3 / Data Science-Bryan 2021-2022 Assignments

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📶Data Science Portfolio / Final  in Google Classroom

📶Data Science Portfolio / Final

Completion of your Data Science Portfolio is equivalent the final each semester.
After each unit is complete, you will add to the portfolio.
Add a brief description of your projects here
Link your projects in your descriptions 
Link or copy Weekly Reflections and/or Group Reflection Responses
Link Project Criteria and Feedback Rubric 
Add visuals to explain your project
Below is the list of projects to include in your Portfolio:

UNIT 1: Data Tells a Story
🌟Reflections (Week 1 - Week 5)
⭐1️⃣ Data Diary Individual Report
⭐1️⃣ Me & the Bees Business Report -Revise and resubmit by Tuesday night.

UNIT 2: The Data of Our Community
🌟 Reflections (Week 6 - Week 9)
⭐2️⃣FINAL Unit activity Handout 5

Unit 3: Water In Your Life
🌟 Reflections (Week 11 - Week 13)
⭐3️⃣Household Water Usage Slides/ Population and Water Usage in Cities
⭐3️⃣Analyzing Data Like A Detective

Unit 4: (1/2 before semester end)
🌟 Reflections (Week 15-16)
⭐4️⃣Handout 2 - Simulating Song Shuffle
⭐4️⃣Learning Edublocks


4️⃣Learning Edublocks in Google Classroom

4️⃣Learning Edublocks

Over the next 3 days we will be working through these slides.  The reflection on Friday will be added to your Portfolio / Final.


4️⃣Handout 2a - Law of Large Numbers in Google Classroom

4️⃣Handout 2a - Law of Large Numbers


Wk 15 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk 15 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 11/29 What does music mean to you?
☑️Tuesday 11/30: None
☑️Wednesday  12/1: How can you sort and clean data using Google Sheets?
☑️Thursday 12/2   How can you calculate theoretical probability in a dataset? How is theoretical different from experimental probability?
☑️Friday 12/3 Reflect: Growth mindset is the belief that our abilities can change, develop, and get stronger. Someone with a growth mindset embraces the “power of yet” or the understanding that our ability might just not be there yet, but with persistence and trying new strategies they will be. 

Fixed mindset is the belief that our abilities cannot change and our intelligence is something about us that we cannot really do much to change. Challenges and errors are seen as bad or harmful rather than opportunities for growth. 

It is believed that we hold both growth and fixed mindset beliefs about ourselves. In class how have you shown both a growth and fixed mindset? Is one set of beliefs more helpful for your learning? What are some examples of your mindset beliefs when solving challenging problems?
Takeaway: Reminding ourselves of our mind’s ability to change and develop through challenges and practice questions is key to learning any new skill. Approaching challenges as opportunities can be a helpful step in starting a project or learning a new topic.


4️⃣Handout 2 - Simulating Song Shuffle in Google Classroom

4️⃣Handout 2 - Simulating Song Shuffle


4️⃣Handout 1 - How Likely is Each Genre? in Google Classroom

4️⃣Handout 1 - How Likely is Each Genre?


4️⃣Probability in Google Classroom



4️⃣ Create a Class Playlist in Google Classroom

4️⃣ Create a Class Playlist


4️⃣Introduce Music Shuffle Simulation in Google Classroom

4️⃣Introduce Music Shuffle Simulation

First link: https://PollEv.com/surveys/J75ragd6TxN3sjuNVrWRC/respond
Second link: https://PollEv.com/surveys/RZt9zeHCN5psLkoymVfk3/respond
Third link:


LAST ASSIGNMENT🔄 3️⃣Handout 7 - Population and Water Usage In Cities in Google Classroom

LAST ASSIGNMENT🔄 3️⃣Handout 7 - Population and Water Usage In Cities

This will be graded on all the parts (Handout 3, Handout 6 and Handout 7) and will act as the end of unit project grade.
Make sure to complete the End of Unit Questions and that your Final Slide show is attached below.


Wk 13 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk 13 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 11/8 None
☑️Tuesday 11/9: Summarize what happened in the video. What stands out to you and how does it add to your ideas of the work of a data scientist? Video linked below
☑️Wednesday 11/10: Tell me about the day in class, what went well, what didn't go well, what do you need support with?
☑️Thursday 11/11: None (NO SCHOOL!)
☑️Friday 11/12: Reflect: Throughout the week reflect on a time when you faced a challenge in the class. Did you spend time working through the problem? 

It is okay to take extra time on a problem and continue working on it. Would it have helped if you had taken extra time? If you had taken extra time, do you think you would have come up with a different solution or another approach? 

Takeaway: In this course it is important to remember speed is not important and we value taking time to work through challenges and looking at problems through multiple angles.


🔄3️⃣Handout 6 - Revise Household Water Usage Statements in Google Classroom

🔄3️⃣Handout 6 - Revise Household Water Usage Statements


3️⃣ Handout 5 - Analyzing Data Like A Detective (GROUP) in Google Classroom

3️⃣ Handout 5 - Analyzing Data Like A Detective (GROUP)


3️⃣ Handout 4 - Exploring Spurious Correlation vs. Causation in Google Classroom

3️⃣ Handout 4 - Exploring Spurious Correlation vs. Causation


Wk 12 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk 12 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 11/1 None
☑️Tuesday 11/2:  What is the r^2 value on the class water usage data? What does it mean specific to the least squares line?
☑️Wednesday 11/3: None
☑️Thursday 11/4:  Fill out the feedback class form: 
☑️Friday 11/5 Reflect: Whether it be on a spreadsheet or in a data visualization, there are many questions to ask about the data, numerous patterns to find, and multiple interpretations. Looking for more than one pattern or answer in data science is key to asking and answering good questions. For example, when you work through a Data Talk, you can notice different stories and claims within the visual. Different ways of representing the data can even lead to different insights about what is the underlying story. 

This week did you ask new questions of your data or come to new insights about a story the data is telling you? What are some questions you have about the data that you would like to explore further? Are there other ways to see the data?

Takeaways: It is important to look at our data from multiple perspectives and take note of different stories or questions that emerge. As you work through the data science process, taking the time to question and reconsider your work is key to generating more questions and thorough exploration.  


3️⃣ Notes: Confounding & Mediating Variables in Google Classroom

3️⃣ Notes: Confounding & Mediating Variables


🔄3️⃣Handout 3 - Household Water Usage Story in Google Classroom

🔄3️⃣Handout 3 - Household Water Usage Story


3️⃣Notes: r and r^2  in Google Classroom

3️⃣Notes: r and r^2


3️⃣Notes: Residuals & Least Squares Line in Google Classroom

3️⃣Notes: Residuals & Least Squares Line


Wk 11 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk 11 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 10/25 None
☑️Tuesday 10/26 : What are some interesting variables you would like to explore with a scatter plot comparison? List as many as you can think of and tell me why.
☑️Wednesday 10/27 : When you typed in your water usage calculations, what surprised you? What did you notice/wonder about your household water usage?
☑️Thursday 10/28 : What considerations did you make when determining your line of best fit?
☑️Friday 10/29 : Reflect: There is never one way to explore data and patterns. Using our data science tools and knowledge we can begin making meaning from data. As a data scientist, our objective is to use analysis, tools, and creativity to discover and interpret real-world patterns. How were you able to explore data in a new week this week? Were you able to find new meaning from data this week or use a new data analysis tool? 
Takeaway: Oftentimes we find patterns and new ways of looking at data when we think creatively. Reflecting on the different strategies we can use to analyze data to draw new conclusions helps develop data scientist skills. 


3️⃣ Clean Data Household Water Usage Data Model in Google Classroom

3️⃣ Clean Data Household Water Usage Data Model


3️⃣Handout 1 Modeling & Analyzing Household Water Usage Data in Google Classroom

3️⃣Handout 1 Modeling & Analyzing Household Water Usage Data


3️⃣Scatterplots and the Line of best fit
 in Google Classroom

3️⃣Scatterplots and the Line of best fit


3️⃣ Water Usage Collection Form (x3) in Google Classroom

3️⃣ Water Usage Collection Form (x3)

Collect your water usage estimate for 3 separate days. Use the link below to calculate the estimate.


Wk 10 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk 10 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 10/18 None
☑️Tuesday 10/19 : How can univariate data be described and visualized?
☑️Wednesday 10/20 : None
☑️Thursday 10/21 : None
☑️Friday 10/22 : Write a reflection about the video we watched in class.


3️⃣Brainstorm Water in Your Life in Google Classroom

3️⃣Brainstorm Water in Your Life


2️⃣FINAL ACTIVITY Handout 5 in Google Classroom


Follow the directions below.
Reminder; this is the "Chapter Test" for the unit.
--> Double check you have attached the slides to this assignment and filled out the questions on the doc.


Wk 9 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk 9 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 10/11: None
☑️Tuesday 10/12: Examples of data that follow a normal distribution are: heights of people, size of things produced by machines, errors in measurements, blood pressure, grades on a test. Which attributes form our ACS data do you believe will follow a normal distribution?  What makes you believe this?
☑️Wednesday 10/13:  What are some attributes of a Normal Distribution? 
☑️Thursday 10/14: What aspects of CODAP/KAGGLE  are you enjoying? Compare / Contrast the two platforms based on your opinion.
☑️Friday 10/15:

Reflect: After you have gone through the data science process and have established your claims, it is now time to craft a creative, well-reasoned visual and story to share. We are not creating a fictional story; instead, we are drawing on our analysis to support and communicate the patterns we found in the data. Data science and research in general is not done in a vacuum, and telling a story helps us connect to other people working on similar topics to generate future questions and insights.
How are you able to start thinking about telling a story with the data we have been working with in class? Has there been anything new you’ve learned from the data that you want to include in your story? How will you decide what is important to keep and what you don’t need to include in the story?  
Consider: When telling a story with your data think about how the pieces of the data fit together. Communicating your findings are key to sharing your work with others.


2️⃣Unit 2 Kaggle Your own Data in Google Classroom

2️⃣Unit 2 Kaggle Your own Data


2️⃣ CODAP Your own Data in Google Classroom

2️⃣ CODAP Your own Data

Follow the instructions on the sheet below.


2️⃣Unit 2 Cleaning your own data in Google Classroom

2️⃣Unit 2 Cleaning your own data

Follow the instructions on the doc:
At the end of the period you should have a cleaned copy of the sheet attached to this assignment + have filled out the doc.


2️⃣ Collecting Data: Local Community Survey Form in Google Classroom

2️⃣ Collecting Data: Local Community Survey Form

Every student is accountable to give the survey to at least 5 people.
✅ From different households / families
✅ Give survey to members of our local community only.

✅ Use the link or write the questions on paper (If using paper, student must enter the answers into the link individually).
      Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4kmPsoA2YHbBZHUYeW0VMO3AVviZwjbEU6okraOqhoFQBNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
✅ Earn up to 5 bonus points by giving more surveys.


✴️Attributes of Normal Distributions in Google Classroom

✴️Attributes of Normal Distributions

Take notes in class, turn in for credit.
Play : https://www.mathsisfun.com/data/quincunx.html


2️⃣ Data Talk Visuals  in Google Classroom

2️⃣ Data Talk Visuals

Check the instructions sheet and create your slideshow using the google slides template below.



Wk8 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk8 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 10/4:  None
☑️Tuesday 10/5:  What are the different components of a box plot? 
☑️Wednesday 10/6:  What insights can the visuals (boxplot and histograms) give you to your data?
☑️Thursday 10/7: What approaches should we take in gathering our data?
☑️Friday 10/8: Reflect: In mathematics, especially data science, we have the opportunity to explore real-world questions by looking at patterns in our data. We can also use varied representations like charts, graphs, diagrams, writeups, sound, visuals, 3D models, and more. Throughout this course you will be challenged to represent data in different ways. By applying various perspectives, you may find new conclusions or form new questions.

This week were you able to represent data in a new way? Over the course, have you seen any new ways to represent data?

Consider: Take note of the variety of ways we can both think about and represent data as the course continues.


✴️Making a Histogram of the Weights Visual in Google Classroom

✴️Making a Histogram of the Weights Visual


2️⃣Unit 2 Designing a Survey for your Community in Google Classroom

2️⃣Unit 2 Designing a Survey for your Community


2️⃣ Handout 2: Telling Stories with Univariate Data in Google Classroom

2️⃣ Handout 2: Telling Stories with Univariate Data

Follow instructions on handout:
+Each student must turn in the Handout 2.
+One slideshow needed per group (put all names on title page of slideshow).

Follow up : Add slides from your kaggle data visuals:
Your visuals (box plot and histogram)
Describe what you learned by looking at visuals of your dataset
Your updated story
Describe how the visuals enrich your story


 2️⃣Unit 2 Kaggle Directions Walkthrough in Google Classroom

2️⃣Unit 2 Kaggle Directions Walkthrough


 2️⃣ Histograms  in Google Classroom

2️⃣ Histograms

1. Watch the video.
2. Use the data pic and answer the questions
3. Don't forget to submit!


 2️⃣ Boxplots in Google Classroom

2️⃣ Boxplots

1. Watch the video on boxplots - follow along and take notes on the handout given.
2.  Look at the billboard hot 100 chart picture and answer the questions on the "Data Talk - Billboard Hot 100 List" google sheet.
3. Upload/Turn-in the completed sheet before the end of the period.


Desmos 2️⃣ Box Plots in Google Classroom

Desmos 2️⃣ Box Plots


Wk6 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk6 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

ABSENT? Write a reflection on your day of missing school.

☑️Monday 9/20: None
☑️Tuesday 9/21:  None
☑️Wednesday 9/22: What opinions do you have about the ACS data and it's usage? 
☑️Thursday 9/23: How does numerical data differ from categorical data?
☑️Friday 9/24: 
Reflect: There is never one way to explore data and patterns. Using our data science tools and knowledge we can begin making meaning from data. As a data scientist, our objective is to use analysis, tools, and creativity to discover and interpret real-world patterns. How were you able to explore data in a new week this week? Were you able to find new meaning from data this week or use a new data analysis tool?

Takeaway: Oftentimes we find patterns and new ways of looking at data when we think creatively. Reflecting on the different strategies we can use to analyze data to draw new conclusions helps develop data scientist skills.


2️⃣ Warm-up / Explore Asking Questions of the Data in Google Classroom

2️⃣ Warm-up / Explore Asking Questions of the Data

*NEW* Fix for mega-data-stall : https://watch.screencastify.com/v/oq80HvAWGC6HNjOstLYX

2️⃣Warm-up: Numerical or Categorical?
*Upload: In each group, one pair will upload the CA_person file to CODAP & the other pair will upload ca_household file.
Discuss/Answer :2️⃣ Explore Asking Questions of the Data 
Share your questions / variables you would find interesting to explore on the Jamboard below:  Jamboard 2️⃣ Asking Questions of the Data

*Need help uploading? Watch this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hm_3wXsu1yaE12fmcFZSwOJXvEgu115E/view?usp=sharing


2️⃣ Handout 1: What is the American Community Survey? in Google Classroom

2️⃣ Handout 1: What is the American Community Survey?

Please compete the directions and questions on 2️⃣ Handout 1: What is the American Community Survey?  
We will watch the videos together in class (be ready answer to take notes on the attached doc). 


Unit 1️⃣ Me & the Bees Business Report in Google Classroom

Unit 1️⃣ Me & the Bees Business Report

This is your LAST Unit 1️⃣ Activity (worth 50 points)  
First draft and all ✔️s  Due WEDNESDAY(Monday & Tuesday are workdays)

✔️  Read through the Criteria and Feedback Rubric (you will fill this out separately as part of your grade) once the Report is done. This is also how you will be graded.
✔️ Read through Handout 7 requirements for the project.
✔️  Pick visual(s) to help make a recommendation to the company Me & the Bees (You many use your own visual from last week, or choose from the sample visuals below)
✔️ Work on  your recommendations for the business
✔️ WRITE your Business Report on a new DOC and attach it here when completed. You may work with your partner or individual and BOTH need to have an attached copy to be graded on this assignment. (use the Sample Template below to get going!)
✔️ Fill out the  Criteria and Feedback Rubric


1️⃣ Group Tasks: How to Google Sheets (2 days) in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Group Tasks: How to Google Sheets (2 days)

DAY 1: Your group will be ASSIGNED ONE of these tasks.

1. Make a copy GSheets "How to..."  doc. Please indicate the authors at the top of the document and you may use one document for the entire group.
2. Write an instruction sheet with :
--> Step by step instructions on how to accomplish the task
--> Include Screen shots
--> Be specific
This is a reference guide for the task and will be shared with the class. 

DAY 2:
Read through the How to Docs and try each them on your own spread sheet for Me & the Bees
Your goal for the day is to find:

Patterns which emerged from the data set
Brain storm recommendations for Me and the Bees that is justified with evidence from the findings and visuals
Please add these two items to the attached :  Me & the Bees Business Report Planning doc and SUBMIT


Wk5 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk5 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

☑️Monday 9/13: None
☑️Tuesday 9/14:  What were the key features of the sample business report?
☑️Wednesday 9/15: What did you learn about cleaning datasets in Google Sheets?
☑️Thursday 9/16:  

List one technique that you learned on google sheets today and tell how you would use that skill when creating a business report.
☑️Friday 9/17: Reflect:


1️⃣ Cleaning the data in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Cleaning the data

☑️Watch the video on merging data.
Make a COPY of the IDS Me & The Bees spreadsheet : 
☑️Work on merging the three months of data into a single spreadsheet.
☑️Work on joining the data set with the temperature data set for the store location.


1️⃣ Explore Business Report Writing in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Explore Business Report Writing

Below is a SAMPLE business report from an analysis of recycling trends. 

DO: While you read the sample report below: Please take notes / annotate / highlight / comment on your copy. Keep in mind the following questions:
--> What does this business report include?
--> What are the features of the writing?

NOTE: This is not meant to be an exact model of what you will be writing when you begin your own business report. Your goal is to focus on the key features such as concise, clear, visuals, color, graphs and tables as supporting evidence, bullet points, headings, etc. You will be asked to write a Business Report of your own given a data set from Me & the Bees.


1️⃣ Data Diary: Individual Report in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Data Diary: Individual Report

Activity Card for Unit 1
Handout 5

Data Diary: Individual Report

DO: Use the slide below to complete the following:
Your final, individual Data Diary report will be a series of slides that includes the following: Be specific and detailed in your answers. 
Your slide containing

your plan for collecting data or your question.
A picture of your collected data (doesn’t need to be cleaned up)
Your final draft of your data visual with a key that clearly communicates how to read and translate the visual
Your analysis of your data visual, including:
      --> A verbal description of your visual 
      --> What you learned from your visual about your data
-      Your reflection, responding to the following question:
What did you learn from the process of collecting data?
What worked well? What didn’t?
What would you do differently next time?
What did you learn while creating the visual?
What did you learn about yourself from the project?

Example posted below.


1️⃣ Handout 6: What Story Does the Data Tell? in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Handout 6: What Story Does the Data Tell?

As a group, you will be deciding which questions to ask, using CODAP to model the data, synthesizing and analyzing your data, and communicating your findings.

Of the questions you brainstormed in class, choose at least two questions to explore in CODAP.
Using CODAP, make visuals to help you respond to your questions.
Analyze and synthesize what you see in the visual.
Open the slide deck below: Make a COPY and share it with your partner: create a poster with your partner on a google slide (or two) that                         
             1. Shares your question 
             2. Your finding + the graphs you used to find them: Use a screen shot of the graphs on CODAP
             3. A short explanation of why the graphs answer the question you had. 

You will have an opportunity to share your slide with the class and see other group’s ss. Please INCLUDE both of your names on your specific group slide and attach the slide to this assignment and turn in.


Wk4 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk4 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

☑️Monday 9/6: No School
☑️Tuesday 9/7: What have you learned about the process of collecting data?
☑️Wednesday 9/8: How are datasets typically organized in spreadsheets? 
☑️Thursday 9/9:  What questions would you like to explore using CODAP?
☑️Friday 9/10: Reflect: Throughout this week, identify the ways in which you used the data science process. 
This week, what arrow did you most expand your knowledge about? What is your new understanding of the concept you chose?  
Ask Questions➡️Gather & Organize Data ➡️ Model ➡️Analyze & Synthesize ➡️Communicate Results 


1️⃣ CODAP Introduction in Google Classroom

1️⃣ CODAP Introduction

CODAP introduction
Read through the doc below and complete the tutorials with your partner.


1️⃣ Visualization: Dear Diary  in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Visualization: Dear Diary

Please turn in a picture here of the Visualization you made of your Dear Diary Data.

 Next, share your visualization with a partner at your group. 

Ask questions of each other and clarify what different symbols mean. 
Help each other brainstorm solutions to outstanding questions.
Then begin Handout 5: Data Diary - Individual Report


Wk3 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk3 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

☑️Monday 8/30: none
☑️Tuesday 8/31: How can data be misrepresented or be misleading?
☑️Wednesday 9/1: none
☑️Thursday 9/2: What ideas do you have to represent your data visually?
☑️Friday 9/3: Throughout the week reflect on a time when you faced a challenge in the class. Did you spend time working through the problem? 


1️⃣ Handout 2: Planning your Dear Data Project in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Handout 2: Planning your Dear Data Project

Work collaboratively with a partner to answer these questions. As partners you will be working with and supporting each other throughout this project. You will each be picking your own topic and creating your own postcard, so talk through each question for both of your projects.

Discuss with your partner: 
The question or topic you would like to explore
What you notice about how others gathered data (see the two examples below)

Support each other to plan your individual data collection. Ask each other questions like:
How will you gather your data?
How will you define what data you are gathering?
How much data will you need to gather?
In order to gather enough data, how long will you need to gather data: all day, a few hours?
How will you record your data? 
What variability might you see in your data?

DO: Create a slide showing your topic and the details of how you will gather your data.


🔄1️⃣Round 2: Unit 1 Data Gather: Dear Data Project in Google Classroom

🔄1️⃣Round 2: Unit 1 Data Gather: Dear Data Project

Please provide documentation of the data you have gathered / are gathering.

Example: Photo, sheet, written on doc...


1️⃣Digging Deeper into Data Ethics:  Experts Note + Slides in Google Classroom

1️⃣Digging Deeper into Data Ethics: Experts Note + Slides

Becoming the Expert
Alone : Read though the article the topic your group has been assigned on Data Ethics
Group: Share out your findings with your group

Prepping to share:
Make a SINGLE slide that communicates the most critical information about your topic.


1️⃣Handout A Misuse of Data Slides in Google Classroom

1️⃣Handout A Misuse of Data Slides

Activity Card for Unit 1
Handout A
Misuse of Data

There are many ways to use data to tell the story you want to tell. Given that, it is important to stay critical when interpreting data visualizations and the stories they tell. In this activity you will interrogate a series of data visualizations and their stories. Approach your group discussions like skeptics, ask each other questions of the data you see and don’t see.

For each pair of visuals, respond to the following questions:
What is the story that is told in the first visual? What is the story that is told in the second visual? How do the stories being told compare to each other?
According to the author, the first visual, though true, misrepresents the situation. What do you think?
Extension: Choose a pair of visuals, use the information from the second visual to create another visual that tells a different story from the first visual.

Materials: Misuse of Data Slides


1️⃣ Data Gather: Dear Data Project in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Data Gather: Dear Data Project

Please provide documentation of the data you have gathered / are gathering.

Example: Photo, sheet, written on doc...


🔄1️⃣Handout 3 Revise Data Gathering Plan in Google Classroom

🔄1️⃣Handout 3 Revise Data Gathering Plan

🔄Activity Card for Unit 1
Handout 3

Revise Data Gathering Plan

After considering what worked well and what didn’t with your data gathering, what do you need to revise in your data gathering plan? Depending on how your data gathering has gone, these revisions may be very minimal or more major. It may involve gathering some additional data or it may entail revising your question significantly. 

Work collaboratively with a partner to consider these questions. Take turns discussing these questions for each of your project ideas.
How will you change your data gathering plan based on your experience?
Will you change your question? What will your new question be?
How will you change how you define what you are gathering?
Do you need to change the amount of time you are gathering data over? How?
DO  Create a copy of your slide showing your topic and the details of how you will gather your data and make revisions to it based on what you have learned.


Wk2 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk2 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

☑️Monday 8/23: What do you like when working in groups doing math with other people? What do you not like?
☑️Tuesday 8/24: What data would you gather to make your own postcard?
☑️Thursday 8/26: How do you benefit from the data collected about you?
Reflection ☑️Friday 8/27: Growth mindset is the belief that our abilities and intelligence can change through effort and completing challenging tasks. Describe one moment in class this week that challenged you. What kind of response did it invoke?


1️⃣ Review Activity: IDS: Percent / Ratios / Proportions  in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Review Activity: IDS: Percent / Ratios / Proportions


Wk1 Journal in Google Classroom

Wk1 Journal

Use the doc below to create digital journal (one doc per week)  
Journal by hand and upload a clear photo of your writing

 --> Include a heading for each journal entry: Day/Date/Question 
--> Write for 5 min minimum (set a timer!)

☑️Friday 8/20: What are data, variability, models and visuals?


1️⃣ Activity: Getting to Know Each other on Desmos in Google Classroom

1️⃣ Activity: Getting to Know Each other on Desmos
