Attendance Office / Oficina de Asistencia » Attendance Codes & Truancy Letters

Attendance Codes & Truancy Letters

For details of your student’s attendance, please check the attendance calendar under the Attendance tab of the Aeries (Homelink) page:


Frequently used Attendance Codes:

4: EXCUSED - Various reasons, such as jury duty, or attending the funeral of a family member.  Please note, some absences require prior approval from an Administrator in order for the absence to be excused

5: ADMINISTRATIVE - Student with counselor or administrator.

8: SCHOOL ACTIVITY - Student testing, participating in an athletic event, or participating in a class event.

D: DOCTOR EXCUSED - Medical appointment or illness excused by a note from a licensed medical professional. 

E: EARLY OUT - Student left early for an unexcused reason

H: HALL PASS (EXCUSED TARDY) - Student with school staff member

I: ILLNESS - Parent/Guardian notified the School Office of a medical appointment or illness, but has not provided a note from a licensed medical professional.  Limit 60 period absences, after which a letter will be sent to the Parent/Guardian, and further medical absences would need to be excused by the school nurse or a physician.

W: MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS - Parent/Guardian notified the School Office of an absence for the benefit of student’s mental or behavioral health. Included in 60 period limit for illness absences.

J: JUDICIAL - Proof of detainment in juvenile hall or attendance at a court proceeding is required to clear a judicial absence.

L: LATE / LEAVE EARLY (EXCUSED TARDY) - Student arrived late/left early for an excused reason.



T: TARDY - Student arrived late for an unexcused reason


Unexcused Absence Codes (which generate Truancy letters):

7: PERSONAL - The Parent/Guardian has contacted school officials to notify that they were aware of the absence but the reason is unexcused (i.e. on vacation, "personal", car trouble).

A: ABSENT (UNVERIFIED) - Parent/Guardian has not notified the Office of the reason for the absence.

F: EARLY OUT 30+ - Student left more than 30 minutes early for an unexcused reason

N: NOTIFIED - A school employee has made an absence notification, but the reason for the absence remains unverified.

S: TARDY 30+ - Student arrived more than 30 minutes late, for an unexcused reason

V: VERIFIED CUT - Parent/Guardian or school employee confirmed student cut school


Truancy Letter Guidelines

Attendance plays a vital role in the success of a student's performance at AGHS.  Students are more successful when they attend school on a regular and consistent basis.  Truancy Letters are mailed to parents when absenteeism becomes chronic.  After the third truancy letter, students and their Parent/Guardian may be referred to the LMUSD School Attendance Review Board (SARB).  School Attendance Techs, the School Nurse, and School Administration will provide every effort to work with students to improve attendance and remain at AGHS.

  • Truancy Letter 1 may be mailed to Parent/Guardian after 18 unexcused period absences.
  • Truancy Letter 2 may be mailed to Parent/Guardian after 30 unexcused period absences.
  • Truancy Letter 3 may be mailed to Parent/Guardian after 42 unexcused period absences.